In this month's update...
Good news for local wildlife as CBC acknowledges nature protection report
£57million of Government cash goes into Central Beds budget black hole
Council to offer new community funding
Potton Neighbourhood Plan approved by referendum
New bus stops for Potton residents
Good news for local wildlife as CBC acknowledges report on nature protection
Central Bedfordshire Council (CBC) last month progressed a report Adam put forward, which highlights the needs for a series of new measures to protect wildlife in our area. It came on the back of a couple of significant cases where hedges were removed, earlier this year. Read all about more the measures Adam proposed here.
£57million of Government cash goes into Central Beds budget black hole
Independent councillors have discovered CBC has received nearly £60million of taxpayers money to compensate for all the housebuilding the Council has approved. We put forward a motion that half of this New Homes Bonus cash must be spent in the area that had suffered the development. Read the full story here. You can watch Adam's speech to the Council here and the rather odd response it received from the Deputy Leader who accused Potton of wishing to buy gold chains and Bentleys with public money.
CBC plans to dish out money to councillors
Days after the concerns were raised about New Homes Bonus money, CBC announced plans to create more community funding. While we welcome better funding for the local area, the plans appear unfinished to say the least. Read more here including an understanding of how your club or association may qualify for some of this new funding. Get in touch if you think you do.
Referendum sees Potton's Neighbourhood Plan approved
On 3rd October there was a Referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan, a document put together by local residents to ensure the town has more say in future developments and infrastructure. We are delighted to see it was approved in the referendum by a 95% majority. Well done to all concerned. Read more about the vote and the Plan here.
Everton Road planning application passed again by CBC
A planning application for 30 houses on Everton Road, Potton, returned to CBC's Planning Committee last month after the developer proposed changes meaning less Section 106 money for the local community. Tracey spoke to oppose the application but it was passed despite opposition from the Independent councillors on the committee. Read more here.
Sandy Road appeal heard
The housing development for 42 houses south of Sandy Road, Potton, to the west and south of the cemetery, which was turned down by CBC earlier this year, went to appeal on 11th September. We both spoke to oppose the development although the verdict may still be a couple of months away.
New parking restrictions near to Potton Federation?
CBC has responded to complaints of inconsiderate parking around the Willow Road and Everton Road junction at the time of school drop off/pick-up. To see the plans for parking restrictions and find out how to comment, click here.
New bus stops for Potton residents
Back in the spring, local residents highlighted the need for a bus stop near to the cemetery on Sandy Road, after citing the long distance from the nearest stop in town. CBC have now agreed to place new bus stops on the road in the coming months. Read more about it here.
Bus service petition will be presented CBC meeting
We have presented a petition to CBC from 200 Potton residents concerned about the removal of early morning bus services and will continue to keep the pressure on the Council. Frustratingly CBC is refusing to honour pledges made to protect these services, which were given after a public meeting two years ago.
Horne Lane and King Street Parking update
We have mentioned CBC's proposed parking changes in Horne Lane and on the King Street/Spencer Close junction in recent months. CBC have told us we should know more in November. The Council will give a verdict on the Brookfields changes currently being trialed, in early 2020.
Five year supply of housing updated
Every three months, CBC announces its updated '5 year supply of housing'. If the published figure is 5 or more, it means the Council can feel more confident of defending its existing housing delivery against any developers who say more are needed. The good news is the latest figures shows the key number is 6.39, up from 6.03 the previous quarter and 5.71 the one before. It doesn't mean CBC will automatically refuse big developments or will definitely fend-off appeals from developers, but it is a good sign. You can see more about it here.
Potton Litter pick
The annual town litter pick takes place on Saturday 12th October from 10am until 2pm. Meet from 9.30 onwards at the Community Centre, Brook End. Hi-vis jackets, litter pickers, bags and gloves will be provided but if you have them, bring them along.
Thanks for reading, and if you think you know ANYONE who would want to know about any of the issues mentioned above, please share this with them.
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Keep in contact:
Adam Zerny
twitter: @adamzerny
Tracey Wye
Adam Zerny and Tracey Wye
Independent Central Bedfordshire Councillors for Potton ward
Promoted by Adam Zerny and Tracey Wye, 26 Station Road, SG19 2PU